One of the things I have always wanted, ever since I was little, was a TV screen that covers the whole wall. I believe Bill Gates has something like that, but it's probably a video stack, like a Pionner Vidwall.
I want something that covers the whole wall and when I'm not watching one or multiple channels, it can be a screensaver that can take me from a beautiful beach or underwater scene in winter or a ski scene in Canada or France in summer. Something that doesn't give me eye strain from being in the room.
Then I also want real surround sound, so I can immerse myself in the environment.
This week I was listening to the Digital Planet podcast from the BBC and they were talking about exactly this. They were talking about the demonstration of Super Hi Video at the Interneational Broadcasting Conference in Amsterdam and the demonstration of this technology being streamed live from London.
The technology is Super Hivision which offers "a video format with 7680 x 4320 pixels (16 times higher than standard Hi-vision, NHK’s HDTV system) . This world’s first video system with 4000 scanning lines delivers ultra-clear, realistic three-dimensional images that can be achieved only by ultrahigh-definition technology.
- The individual scanning lines are not visually noticeable even when relatively close to the screen, reflecting the high resolution of the system. What’s more, a wider viewing angle conveys a stronger sense of a reality.
- The new 3-D audio system with 24 loudspeakers dramatically enhances presence."
According to the people who were watching it, it is very similar to what you can see and hear in real life. It's taking the gloss off my HD TV (through which I am not yet watching HD)
So if anyone is wondering what to get me for Christmas, give me a call and I'll give you the dimensions of my lounge wall. I suspect the price will be much more than the value of my home right now, but th

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