Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Olyimpic stupidity

More than once now, have I found myself shaking my head at the morons otherwise known as "on-the-spot" TV journalists.

I can well imagine that an exhausted athlete, sweat pouring from their brow, could well do without being asked a question like "Do you think you tried as hard as you could have?!?"

Lets take a moment to consider the possible responses:

1) Why yes, yes I did!

2) No. For some reason, I just lacked the motivation to fully capitalize on the last 4 years of intense training that all led up to this single critical moment in my life. A moment I will probably relive in my dreams and nightmares for years to come. Nay, a moment I will in fact relive again and again on the couch of my mental health councillor while I fight to rediscover my own self-worth as a human being.

3) I really couldn't say for sure, what do you think?!?

And it's not like it was just one isolated incident. These idiot women who don't know the first thing about what it means to be an Athlete have been let loose on these poor unsuspecting souls, just like a truck-load of ankle biting Chiwawas. Only the chosen few are in the joyous position of not giving a flying sh!t how stupid the questions are, because you guessed it, they won a medal. The Sky could be falling in on their heads and they would probably still have a stupid grin on their faces.

But what was the alternative, Tony Vietch?

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