Monday, September 1, 2008

ihug Limited will no longer exist from 1st August

ihug Limited will no longer exist from 1st August
A lot of things are happening at Vodafone on this very special day:

It's not surprising that ihug will soon be completely part of Vodafone (rather than the current rebranding) as this fully makes their fixed line products to become part of Vodafone, and reduce confusion.

Things to note:
  • Phone numbers won't change
    Here are the numbers, just for reference:

    Residential: 0800 438 448
    Business: 0800 438 458
    Red network: 0800 800 215 <- they finally release this!
  • Billing is still separate, but pay Vodafone New Zealand Limited directly
    Currently, we get a statement which needs to be paid to ihug Ltd, even though it's completely branded Vodafone
I better hope that they clean up the My Vodafone interface as part of this, as it's currently quite messy and unprofessional compared to other ISP account management sites.

The webpage with the information about this changed from welcome to our place to our place is your place:

The Internet Home Users Group

ihug / The Internet Group


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